Today Is Yesterday's Tomorrow
Today Is Yesterday’s Tomorrow
legion n.兵团
the Antimatter Legion
immortal adj.不死的(mortal)
intently adj.
swing by 顺便
ambush v.
besiege v.
surveillance screen
hologram n.全息图
perplex v.
mannequin n.人体模型
rampage v.
impasse n.
dormant adj.冬眠的;休眠的 (dorm-:dormitory dormancy)(~ volcano)
encryption key密钥
*a swarm of locusts 一群蝗虫
forte n.长处
vociferous adj.嘈杂
drone on about喋喋不休
hunches n. intuition/supposition
colossal adj.巨大的
deform v.变形
bizarre adj.古怪的
daunting adj.使人畏惧的
- No one knows what awaits them ahead on the journey, so just taking this first step can be daunting.
inertia n.
inextricable adj.无法解脱的
- an inextricable connection between
In the Withering Wintry Night (Belobog, Jarilo-VI)
preliminary adj.
adjudication n.裁定;判决
relinquish v.放弃(正式)
bastion n.堡垒
inferno n.地狱
relent v.变温和(relentless / unrelenting
concise adj.简洁的
tag along 跟着
vexation n.苦恼
distressed adj.苦恼,忧虑
compatriot n.同胞
introspection n.内省;反省
be smooth as heck
infiltrator n.入侵者
tyrant n.暴君
reiterate v.重申
- Let me reiterate: These competitions are for professionals only! Don’t try this at home!
ambiance / ambience n.氛围
boisterous adj.喧闹的
righteous adj.
vagrant n.流浪汉
quell v. quench
thug n.暴徒
instigator n.煽动者(instigate)
hush money 封口费
final straw
sprain n.扭伤
kick up a fuss 起哄
run-of-the-mill 一般的
get your hands dirty亲自动手
unequivocal adj.明确的;不含糊的
The result of my calculation is ~.
prevalent adj.盛行的;普遍的(prevail)
connoisseur n.鉴赏家 (钟离)
get disoriented
be at stake
deplete v.大量减少
shake in one’s boots/shoes 胆战心惊
gauze bandage 纱布绷带
brooch n.(女用)胸针
prissy adj.为小事挂虑的
dosage n.用量(dose)
unannounced disappearance
unscathed adj.
raving adj.胡说的
at a moment’s notice 立刻
walk the talk 言出必行
silhouette n.剪影;轮廓
not even close 差远了
counterfeit v.
pry v. ~ (into sth) to try to find out information about other people’s private lives in a way that is annoying or rude
I’m sick of you prying into my personal life!
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.
prospector n. a person who searches an area for gold, minerals, oil, etc. 勘
belie v.
to give a false impression of sb/sth
- Bronya: …Clara’s strength belies her appearance…
incisive adj. 1. showing clear thought and good understanding of what is important, and the ability to express this锐利的;透彻的 2. showing sb’s ability to take decisions and act with force果断的;当机立断的
- 1 incisive comments/criticism/analysis
- 2 an incisive performance
circumvent v.(formal)
to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule
collate v.
to collect information together from different sources in order to examine and compare it
- to collate data/information/figures
If the money’s right, not a problem in sight.
a new lease on life
rudimentary adj.
- 1 A simple device which can be constructed by anyone with rudimentary carpentry skills
BASlC, elementary, introductory, early, primary, initial, first, fundamental, essential, rare rudimental.
ANTONYMs advanced
- 2 The equipment in all the workshops was
PRIMITIVE, CRUDE, simple, unsophisticated, rough, rough and ready, makeshift, rude.
ANTONYMs sophisticated
- 3 Spider monkeys have four long fingers, but only a rudimentary thumb
VESTIGIAL, undeveloped, incomplete, embryonic, immature, non-functional,technical abortive, primitive,
ANTONYMs developed
admonishment n.训戒;警告
- You being sarcastic with me?
defiance n. defy
fugitive n.逃亡者
- a fugitive from justice逃犯
In the Sweltering Morning Sun
sweltering adj. oppressively hot 闷热的;热得难受的 (sweat)
flask n. 酒瓶(Diona任务)
ahead of the curve 捷足先登
conspirator n. conspire
intervention n. interfere
stench adj.foul
- the stench of death in the air…
encryption key 密钥
- Every person here is ready to sacrifice themselves, ready to spill their blood for Belobog at a moment’s notice.
meteorite n. meteor掉落物
be inundated with == be flooded with
- We could be inundated with monsters at any moment…
pragmatism n. pragmatic实用的、务实的
paramount adj. more important than anything else
This matter is of paramount importance. (重如山)
Safety is paramount.
有空应该考究一下para-…paradigm parameter paragraph parade parachute paramount这样的?
traverse v.
have a scrap with == argue/quarrel with
ovation n. enthusiastic applause
Let’s push for that standing ovation!
Compare to …, … pales into insignificance. 相形见绌
squander v.
narcissism n. 自恋
right on the money
woeful adj.可悲的
wrath n. anger / rage
shepherd n. shep+(v.)herd guide 指导
shepherd us toward rejuvenation…
It’s the conceit and cowardice entrenched in the depths of human nature, and they are so difficult to efface…
steadfast adj. adamant (steady & fastened / entrenched)
subversion n. subversive
torment n. torture(
arbiter n. arbitrate
masquerade v.( ~ as )
resplendent adj.
shackle n.
so be it 就这样
perpetrator n. perpetrate
abstaining adj. evasive / 弃权
demise n. death / perish
steal ont’s thunder
sit up and take notice
subside v.
inaugural adj. inaugurate
- Lady Bronya’s inaugural address
perseverance n.
palatable adj. delectable
run-of-the-mill adj. ordinary
montage n. a picture, film/movie or piece of music or writing that consists of many separate items put together, especially in an interesting or unusual combination 蒙太奇
- True happiness always entails the manifestation of the dignity of mankind.
make a curtain call
zealot n. zealous的人
rise to the challenge
nook and cranny: every corners