Yupanqui's Turnfire
A Mysterious Visitor From Huitztlan
the Scions of the Canopy
get the wrong end of the stick
the Turnfire Night
scramble v.
under lock and key (being locked)
assail v.
sorcerer n. a man with magic powers, who is helped by evil spirits
aspersion n. libel
- How dare you cast aspersion on your ruler!
K’uhul Ajaw
impede v.
Malipo: ancient name Turnfire
singe v. scorch
Och-Kan was an evil tyrant
Yupanqui, the ancestor of the tribe.
Xbalanque, the first Pyro Archon.
parable n. a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson, especially one of those told by Jesus as recorded in the Bible
dredge v. remove with a power shovel, usually from a bottom of a body of water (dig)
- Let’s not go dredging up the past.
a loose cannon n. a person who is expected to perform a particular task but who is out of control and dangerous
push one’s buttons : If you push someone’s buttons, you do something or talk about something that upsets them. -> button-pusher
A Hero’s Rite
know better than to do
get off on the right/wrong foot
about-face n. An about-face is a complete change of attitude or opinion
combustion n. burning/commotion
perceptive adj.
a close call n. on the verge of danger
- That’s was a close call.
bona-fide adj. If something or someone is bona fide, they are genuine or real.
- Kinich is a bona-fide hero who’s inherited the Malipo name.
worth its weight in gold
insufferable adj. unbearable
pompous adj. pretentious/flaunting + frivolous(?
- I’ll bring you up to speed on…
filthy adj.
defile v. contaminate
intrigued adj.
scumsucking adj. egregious
brazier n. a metal container for burning coal, wood, etc., used to give warmth or to cook on
keep … at bay
- Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Kinich’s Deal
- An unexpected encounter finds you just as you are planning to …
blurt v. If someone blurts something, they say it suddenly (after trying hard to keep quiet or to keep it secret.)
- You shouldn’t go around blurting out accusations like that, it can get you in trouble.
- Too blunt? I’ll phrase it more gently.
blunt adj.
purge v. cleanse
- Abyssal contamination is completely purged from his body.
endorse v.
mull over on
deliberate on, consider deeply, after much consideration
double-edged sword
unhinged adj.
demonic adj. demon
be adamant about
on the flip side
have every right
- He has every right to do that.
- You have every right to remain silence!
marble n. informal sb’s intelligence or mental ability
lost your marbles
stalemate n.
impasse, predicament
be worth your while
daredevil n.
sweep off one’s feet: overwhelm someone emotionally or become suddenly and completely in love with a person
- I’m sure everyone will be swept off their feet when they meed our new flame bearer.
give you a piece of my mind : criticize
once and for all
precarious adj. not safe or certain; dangerous /
likely to fall or cause sb to fall
uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure,
unpredictable, undependable, risky, hazardous, dangerous, unsafe, hanging by a thread, hanging in the balance,
perilous, treacherous, on a slippery slope, on thin ice, touch-and-go, built on sand, doubtful, dubious, delicate, tricky,
problematic, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, shaky, rocky, wobbly(wobble v.)
informal dicey, chancy, hairy, iffy; British informal dodgy; archaic or humorous parlous.
ANTONYMs safe, secure
- Paimon: …It’s a good thing Thiago had the sense to stay in his hiding place, or things could’ve gotten really hairy for him.
remnant n.
bowel n. intestine
the bowel of: A rumble came from the bowels of the earth (= deep underground) .
You can dive into deep in the bowels of the Night Kingdom, and it wouldn’t burn a single hair off your head.
That’s a wrap. = Well done(?
as tough as nails
- Look at him, lost and listless… He’s a shell of the man he was.
tatty adj. shabby
peruse v. to read sth, especially in a careful way
- Do you truly find no joy at all in perusing such rich historical records?
scrutinize, inspect, study
drivel n. silly nonsense
grisly adj.extremely unpleasant and frightening and usually connected with death and violence
A shocking prediction: Every bearer of the ancient name “Malipo” eventually meets a grisly end.
the grisly details of human sacrifices
gruesome, ghastly, frightful, horrid, horrifying, fearful, hideous, macabre, spine-chilling, horrible, horrendous, grim, awful, dire, dreadful, terrible, horrific, disgusting, repulsive, repugnant, revolting, repellent, sickening, distressing, shocking, appalling, abominable, loathsome, abhorrent, odious, monstrous, unspeakable.
irredeemable adj.
irreverence n.
superstition n.
a tit-for-tat exchange
palatable adj. acceptable to the taste or mind
- more palatable version of events. The truth is even darker.
desecrate v. blasphemy (…
heinous adj. grisly/ egregious
heinous atrocity
I’m a man of my word. I’d say I under-promised and over-delivered.
Change is inevitable, and nothing lasts forever.
masochistic adj. M (…
sadistic adj. S (…
sadism and masochism (…
ravenous adj. extremely hungry(starving)/extremely strong
- What’s for lunch? I’m absolutely ravenous. /
a ravenous appetite
dwindle v. decrease(?
imbecile n. dinner(x)
insulate v. ( ~ against )
charcoal n. burned wood becomes charcoal (char + coal)
a fraction of
atonement n. obsolete reconciliation / compensation of god…
perverse adj.
scorn v.
humiliating adj.
Tale of Dreams plucked From Fire
Tracer No Tracing
pluck sb (from sth): to remove sb from a place or situation, especially one that is unpleasant or dangerous (salvage)
aplenty adj. abundant / plenty
- Your youth means you’re still got chances to make mistakes aplenty.
a million dollar question: an important question (that hard to answer).
inching my way toward
therapeutic adj.
diddly-squat adv(? barely
- Therapeutic springs my foot–didn’t work worth diddly-squat.
‘An elixir that can cure all injuries’
sharp-eyed -> astute observation (acuity n.)
sublime (adj.)
Of very high quality and causing great admiration
- Synonyms: exalted, elevated, noble, lofty, awe-inspiring, awesome, majestic, magnificent, imposing, glorious, supreme, grand, great, outstanding, excellent, first-rate, first-class, superb, perfect, ideal, wonderful, marvelous, splendid, delightful, blissful, rapturous
- Informal Synonyms: fantastic, fabulous, fab, super, terrific, stellar, heavenly, divine, mind-blowing, too good to be true, out of this world
- British Informal Synonym: smashing
- Antonyms: poor, lowly, ordinary
(Formal, often disapproving) Extreme behavior or attitudes
- Example: the sublime confidence of youth
- Synonyms: supreme, total, complete, utter, consummate (a consummate liar), extreme, arrogant
discrepancy n.
Upper Sanctum(Hanan Pacha)
utopia n.
heebie-jeebies ( old-fashioned informal ) a feeling of nervous fear or worry
hypnosis n.
subside v.
to become calmer or quieter
- …and the pain in my back should subside…
Seeker No Finding
conflagration n. a very large fire that destroys a lot of land or buildings
nigh-on = approximately
iridescent adj. iris 色彩斑斓
take a shrine to 产生好感
obsolete adj.